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John Kranen

Baer Hornix

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If you want to buy a painting, please follow the following steps:

  1. Write down the number of your chosen painting (the number can be found under the paintings in the virtual gallery)
  2. Email us at jkranen@hotmail.com, and include in the mailing the number of the painting, your adress and e-mail adress.
  3. Within a few days we will mail you back to confirm that you want to buy the painting. In this mailing you wil also find the bank-number.
  4. After you recieved our mail, please make over the amount to our bank-number. Prices include picture frame and sending.
  5. Within a few weeks you will receive your painting.
  6. If you have any complaints, please mail us at jkranen@hotmail.com

This page is © 1998 by John Kranen and hosted by Cyberwolf Corporation.